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Deutschland Spielt Unwrapper Exe | Updated


For the third year running, Deutschland Spielt has undertaken the unenviable task of trying to predict how long packages remain wrapped for. The winner will be the one who guesses the closest number of days - without going over - between December 20th 2017 and February 18th 2018. It's an incredibly tough challenge, one that relies on taking into account every possible variable that might affect its outcome. For example, it's not just about knowing how many people will be buying gifts this Christmas but also how quickly each nation moves through its unpackaging process afterward. Below are the entrants who are taking part in the competition this year.For each correct 'Day Unwrapped' guess, players will be awarded one point. For example, if someone guesses that a game will remain wrapped for 20 days, and it does, they'll score 20 points. At the end of the competition - on February 18th 2018 - the player with the highest cumulative score will be declared Game of Wraps Champion 2018! The winner is Kimmo Kaunela who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 45.1 days. The average time was 46 days. The runner-up was Xondra who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 39.6 days. The average time was 45 days.The winner is Charlie Weir who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 47.6 days. The average time was 48 days. The runner up is Alisia Cuenca who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 44.8 days. The average time was 45 days. The winner is Bruno Bonnell who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 35.4 days. The average time was 39 days. The runner up is Domenico Plebani who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 41.0 days. The average time was 45 days.The winner is Rémy Bera who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 39.7 days. The average time was 43 days. The runner up is Manfred Leike who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 42 days. The average time was 44 days. All of the above statistics are correct as of February 2018. Best average guess is Bruno Bonnell with 6.5 days. The winner is Oliver Kühn who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 39 hours, 36 minutes per game. The average was 41 hours per game. Second place went to Philipp Lamm who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 46 hours, 32 minutes per game. The average was 58 hours per game. The winner is Kimmo Kaunela who guessed that games would remain wrapped for an average of 77 peak concurrent players per title week. eccc085e13

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